
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday is art day! We're meeting at Carol's while Audrey is in hospital, and I took adavantage of Carol's felt design wall for laying out the t-shirt quilt. Everyone had good ideas to offer, and now I have a definite plan. I'm excited about it - I wasn't sure what to do or how to put it together. That is what I love the most about this group - there is never any shortage of ideas, or ways to help. Between us all, there are years and years of experience in almost every media - it's great!

Carol commissioned Gretchen to paint a portrait of her cat, and she has it hanging in her studio. It really captures Abbey, shown with her favorite toy.

And, another day they said would be cold and rainy, but we ended up with blue sky after all. And some great clouds.

Buzz says, "See the ball, Mom? See it? See it? There it is! Throw it? Please?"

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific idea for those extra basket guild t-shirts, turning them into a quilt!

    The Wicker Woman-Cathryn Peters
    Angora, Minnesota
