
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday is Art day! Today we went on a field trip to visit Audrey, instead. The Olympic Mountains were sharp and clear with their mantle of new snow. The sky was dark to the north and lighter to the south, with some light rain here and there.

Here's a little closer view. I'm looking at getting a new camera, and would love to get one with a bigger zoom. Most of the new ones will compensate for a little bit of wiggle, so you can hand hold them while zoomed out.
We brought Audrey lunch at the CareAge nursing home - she's not too thrilled with the food there, and in fact is losing weight because she doesn't have much of an appetite. She was in good spirits, but maybe that was the drugs! They took bone from her hip to rebuild her foot, so her hip is sore, but the foot doesn't hurt too much yet, unless she bumps it. But in the week she's been there, she can feel improvement already. She likes the people who work there, and is getting her physical therapy - at this point, mostly learning to move the wheelchair and use her good foot to support herself. Of course, the sooner she manages that, the sooner she could go home.
Margaret is on the left, then her daughter Jamie, then Carol and Audrey. We set up camp in the lobby, which was very nice. We also learned that there is a conference room that Audrey can reserve, so that will be even better. We had stopped at the deli and brought sandwiches - they were big enough that she'll have a snack for later.

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