
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

They threatened snow today! Mostly scattered snow/rain showers, they said! Well, here is one of the first snowflakes. More like a blob-o-snow, actually. It is on our deck railing, complete with moss, lichens and peeling paint.

Then they really started coming down. Big blobs of snowflakes. It snowed pretty heavily - accumulated maybe an inch or so, then it melted away midday.

But . . . wait . . . hail! Again the deck was covered with white - this time, little balls. And, again, it melted away.

But . . . then . . . it started snowing again! This time, it snowed in earnest. And kept on snowing - we probably have 3 inches now! It did stop around dusk, and hopefully won't freeze too hard tonight.

This is looking up at the sky while the snow was falling.

Buzz and I went out to play in the snow, and take some more photos. I just joined a new Group called Photo Journals, and it promises to be interesting and fun. The hostess creates books from photos that everyone sends in - there is a theme every month or so. If 20 people are playing, you send 20 copies of your photo, as does everyone else, and the hostess binds them and sends you a complete book with 20 different photos. One of the next themes is black and white photos, and the snow seemed like a good subject. So here is one that I took of snow on the birch branch.

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