
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Nice sunny day today. I love walking through the woods when the sun streams through the trees. This little knoll is on the edge of the swamp, and created some great shadows. The photo doesn't really show it, but the woods around me were quite dark, so this was an attraction from a distance. It reminded me of the book The Light in the Forest, which I read in grade school. I don't remember anything about it now, except that I loved the book. It had something to do with pioneer settlers and the native Americans. I have always remembered the title, for some reason.

Buzz loves his walks in the woods with me, but he loves the water more! I caught him jumping in the pond - he'll run and launch himself into the water. Mostly he'll be chasing a stick, but sometimes he'll just swim around the pond for a while. In the summer, sometimes he'll come to the pond by himself and jump in to cool off. He'll swim very seriously out to the stick, but as soon as he grabs it in his mouth, his tail pops out to the water and begins to wag while he swims back to shore.

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