
Saturday, February 10, 2007

I had originally planned to laze in bed this morning, but when I saw this sunrise developing, I stayed up and watched it. It turned into a really nice day - I worked outdoors in my t-shirt all day, pruning and general garden clean-up. There's still lots of branches from the storms to pick up, and I finally disposed of the christmas tree, which had been lying in the yard for the past month.

Having lost a number of trees in the woods, we have new views, and can see what was previously hidden in the woods. I've noticed that we have quite a few birch trees scattered around. I love the white bark and markings.

Both the cat and dog came with me as I rambled around, but they weren't very cooperative when I tried to get their pictures! Amy's coat is pretty good camouflage among the leaves and ground litter. Now if only she would stand still!

Buzz was sitting so nicely, but just when I was ready to snap . . . .

OK, so here he is, finally sitting and staying! And, of course, the ever-present object in his mouth.

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