
Thursday, February 8, 2007

I had half an hour before my DR appointment, so I went down to the new park by the ferry dock. Sand, stones, shells and waves are always a good source of interest - I spent some time trying to catch one of the small waves breaking, but it was too clam, I mean calm. . . .

The ferry was loading and preparing to pull out, while the perpetual seagulls dozed on the old wooden pilings.

Meanwhile, underneath the ferry dock, which was rebuilt just a few years ago, the new and improved pilings are supposed to resist the build-up of barnacles and mussels, but the sea-life is tenacious, clinging to life where-ever it can. The forest of pilings extend symmetrically in all directions, with a drippy concrete ceiling. There wouldn't be much room for me under here at high tide!

It has been mild and partly overcast - not bad for February weather.

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