
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

David built this greenhouse for his Mom - it's just too cool! The ends are from the spools the telephone company used for it's fiber-optics cable. You can even see one if you look through the back of the greenhouse - it's next to the train BBQ on the left.

Here's how it looks on the outside. There is a table along each side, and rods to hang pots from the ceiling. When you're inside, it is a very unique feeling.

Tonight was my book group meeting, and we discussed My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Everyone liked the book (unusual for our group!) and we had a lively discussion. It's about a 13-year old girl who was conceived as a blood and tissue donor for her sister, who had a rare form of Leukemia. After years of donating, she was being asked to donate a kidney. She initiated a lawsuit against her parents for the right to control her own body. I won't say what happened - you'll just have to read it. The book is very well written, and brings up some interesting insights into a family with such an unusual situation. It really makes you think about what you would do!

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