
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another post today - I added several new links to my links column. The website that started all of this photo-a-day for me is Photojojo. I'm on their email newsletter, and they have some pretty interesting information sometimes.

One idea is the camera toss. It looks like a riot, but I'm not quite prepared to let my camera fall. Maybe after I get a new one?

Another great site was the Mirror Project. The requirement is that you and the camera must show in the reflection in some way. Now, that is something I could do! In fact, I have taken many reflection photos, even made a little book with some of them.

I also added a link to a photo editing site - it looks like it could be pretty good, and it's free!

The last link is to a live map site - you can zero in on your house, and see enough detail to see people! You can switch between the "bird's eye view" which is an aerial photo, and maps. In the aerial views, you can rotate the scene and view it from any direction. Very cool.

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