
Monday, February 12, 2007

Another mild day. Since I have a meeting on Valentine's Day, we decided to go over to town and have a nice dinner out. This view is from the Everett Marina, looking west to Whidbey Island and the Olympic mountains beyond, just before sunset. It had been cloudy all day, but cleared out in the west, and the mountains were just crystal clear. The clouds were strange-looking, with the sun just about to pop out from under them. We had a wonderful dinner, too!

Before we ate, we had several errands to run, and while driving down an alley, we passed this color faux-pas! Quite a scene.

Later, we saw this car parked in front of the book store, and got a kick out of the way the word BOOKS was reflected in it's rear window. Of course, just when I was taking the photo, the owners came out!

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