
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

After several weeks of warmer weather, we had frost last night. The grass and roofs are lightly dusted. The sky is clear - sunrise was brief but pretty. When I saw the sky, I wandered out in my robe and slippers to see better. Cool breezes wafted up my nightie! Wheeee! It was chilly all day, but nice and sunny.

The roof over the shop is uninsulated - you can see the lines where the rafters are slightly warmer and the frost didn't stay.

1 comment:

  1. Love looking at your spectacular photos Louie, you do a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the natural world.

    The photos of the woods are especially nice. Looks like you are a pretty good architect, too. What a talented woman, love to meet sometime! Maybe the next time I visit relatives out there, or perhaps teach at a guild retreat?

    The Wicker Woman-Cathryn Peters
    Angora, Minnesota
